Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It is a good time of year.......

.....FINALLY!! Well boys, as you well know it is football time. There aren't a lot of things more exciting in life than being able to see the NFL and NCAA football season on the horizon. Fantasy football is right around the corner as well as seeing the greatness of Notre Dame football on Saturday afternoon. Speaking of ND football, we have a trip planned coming up in just 16 days and I can't wait. Just to step foot on the campus will be a feeling that I haven't had since about four years ago when I last stepped on the grounds. I can clearly remember the last time that I set foot on the campus, it was like having a great night of grex. You know what I mean? Just being in a place where it feels so good and afterwards closing my eyes and muttering the words "was that as great for you as it was for me?" Where was I going with this.....Oh yea, football! Once again, I love it. I can't wait to be ponied up to some random bar watching multiple games at the same time watching my fantasy football team take in the can from day one. So bring on the brews, football and the good times.


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