Wednesday, August 16, 2006


OK boys, here we go. So this has been on my mind for some time now. Public display of affection or PDA. In the last week or two I have witnessed enough PDA to last me a lifetime. I can't for the life of me figure out what possesses people to display their affection for one another in a bar or restaurant. Is it love? Is it alcohol? Is it the hopes of getting some action? Now I understand that there is probably always going to be some sort of PDA between a guy and girl at some point in the relationship but how much too much? I recently witnesses a guy and girl that were one boob away from it being a R rated movie. Even with the random wisecracks in the immediate vicinity, do you think that was enough to make them stop? I think not. So you tell me. I personally think that a quick kiss or a peck is completely acceptable but where is the line drawn? Obviously, trying to choke each other to death with your tongues is a little extreme but when is enough enough? Don't be one of those mopes in the bar with your girl doing this. If you need it that bad, I am sure there is a hotel with about 5 minutes from anywhere you are. Do us a favor and keep it in your mouth, in your pants and out of sight. Mopes, any thoughts?


At 12:36 PM, August 22, 2006, Blogger Shumpy said...

was said PDA performed by one of the mopes? IF so, I think I have pictures that I can send you of it.

By the way Lips, thanks for the crank-shot on my camera.

At 1:23 PM, August 22, 2006, Blogger 'Das Enuf said...

Yes indeed. Said PDA WAS performed by one of the Mopes!


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