Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Who are these people?

Yet once again I find myself in a random bar, having a beer with some friends and I notice something odd. In walks a couple of guys with their own poolsticks. So the first thing I think is that these guys must be one step away from being on ESPN. So I keep glancing over expecting the average game to last about 90 seconds but, beyond my belief, these guys suck! So now my thinking process changes to "what the hell were you thinking?" I mean, don't these sticks cost a lot of money? I can only compare to me going out and buying several hundred dollars of lacrosse equipment, having never played before. Maybe it is just me overthinking this or maybe it is now cool to have your own stick and still suck. It is just beyond me why someone would do this?

Just when you thought that the night was over, I stumble into the restroom to take what I hope is going to be the last fluid drainage of the night and low and behold there is a woman in there waiting for the can. It was kind of funny at first but all the rest of the guys just seemed to laugh it off and proceed to the wall unit. Nobody said anything. Nobody seemed to give it much thought. Everyone just kind of went about the business. I had to keep an eye on her though and guess what I saw? This girl would peek over and take a glance at the guy's ......unit. So it made me wonder, do chicks get lady wood? Because I tried to put myself in her position and I have to think that my pants would have to be going a little crazy. I know what your thinking. How can you get all worked up in the crapper? Well, I can't answer that question but it sure seemed like she wasn't hating life too much being in there. So I guess the last question that I have is if it is ok for women to go into the men's room, why is it not ok for guys to go into the women's room?


At 9:21 PM, August 16, 2006, Blogger BLG said...

If you need to go into the ladies room as a guy, do exactly what the ladies do in the opposite. Open the door, while knocking, and say "If you are in here cover yourself- I am comming in" Then enter... No biggie, but I disaggree with the lady wood. She might be one that can, but I do not see it happening in the mens restrooms.... Just a thought

At 10:46 AM, August 17, 2006, Blogger 'Das Enuf said...

With all due respect 'Lissa...no way that happens. The dude gets booted from the bar quicker than PP exhibits PDA with the latest MySpace flavor of the week. While when a chick does it, everyone just giggles. It's a B.S. double standard!
Thx for checking in BTW. Look forward to meeting you...when you're a bit more sober!

At 7:31 PM, August 17, 2006, Blogger BLG said...

Likewise. I feel I owe each one of you an apology. Especially you... I have never in my life been that lit, and do not intend on it again. Moderation... I have had some kind of month, and I had every intention of forgetting it that night, but I did not intend forgetting everything. I hope to see you at the celebration with the other mopes.

At 9:51 AM, August 18, 2006, Blogger 'Das Enuf said...

Naw...don't sweat it. You don't owe anyone an apology. We've ALL been there! Plus I see from your profile that you like "Rudy"...the greatest cinematic masterpiece in the history of film...so that must mean you're alright!

At 9:59 AM, August 18, 2006, Blogger BLG said...

Rudy was the BEST movie ever! I will admit that I am a chic, so I cry everytime I watch it, but it still is GREATNESS! If you have checked mine recently, you will also know that I have discovered "HOW HOT HISPANIC MEN ARE", so I do not know if that is a bonus for a Mujeres blancas or not, but I am DIGGIN the MOPES!

The twigs & berries... was wrong..funny, but wrong.

At 10:30 AM, August 18, 2006, Blogger 'Das Enuf said...

Rudy...simply the best. No question. Well if Hispanic men are your thing...Lips is your man! He is a man, I think (though after today's "procedure" we won't know for sure. He's Hispanic. How hot he is....well, I've never really thought about it before but I guess as far as Hispanic men go...Eh, nevermind.

At 1:12 PM, August 18, 2006, Blogger BLG said...

I got this one! I will let you off the hook here... He is HOT! Sorry lips, not meaning to embarrass, but I think I have just opened the gates, and I think I may also be the target. LOL! Bring it! I can take it. LOL!!!

At 3:13 PM, August 18, 2006, Blogger 'Das Enuf said...

Too late. Lips WILL be embarrased. But 'Das Ok!

At 3:25 PM, August 18, 2006, Blogger BLG said...

I hold you personally responsible for my unproductivity today. LOL! Not. I kinda warned him, so I think as long as he checks it with the meds he will no doubt be blessed with..it may be good. LOL!

At 3:32 PM, August 18, 2006, Blogger 'Das Enuf said...

I'll take personal blame for it. It's Friday. What the hell!
Lips survived the procedure. They lost one nut during the surgery though. It went rolling around on the floor and they couldn't find it. He's now known as Uni-Ball!

At 6:05 PM, August 18, 2006, Blogger BLG said...

You are straight up WRONG for that. I was on the phone with LIPS when I read this, and I laughed really hard. Not right dude! LOL! Lord, Lips- you are a sport! Pretty amazing really.


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