Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cpt. Buzzkill Returns

Just when you thought you had seen it all, Cpt. Buzzkill rears his ugly head with new form. I will be the first to admit that I underestimated his powers but I have seen the true strength and rule of this magical creature.

So it all began on an average Friday night. I stumble into the local pub where everyone knows my name and upon ordering an adult beverage, I get this chilling feeling that I am being watched. I slowly glance around the bar looking for the evil tyrant otherwise known as Cpt. Buzzkill or his odorous sidekick Professor Fartknocker. It just so happens that no sooner than I get somewhat of a buzz working, guess who shows up? That's right, the captain himself! When I finally let my guard down he came around the corner in a ram-rodding attempt to spoil my evening. Although he gave a valiant effort, I didn't cave. This is it! I have conquered Cpt. Buzzkill. I tried to make peace by buying CBK a brew but he wasn't having it. I knew that this wasn't the end.

Fast forward to Saturday night. I am at a concert minding my own business just trying to enjoy myself when I feel the chilliest breeze I have felt in my life. Next thing you know BLG, who is seated next to me, turns to me and says "you will thank me in the morning." Next thing I remember I felt that feeling like I just saw a cop in my rear view mirror and I couldn't speak. I look over to see BLG constantly tapping Das Enuff on the leg and whispering "hit me again." Surely this pace couldn't continue could it? Suddenly it was 11 pm, we were leaving the show and I had no buzz since I was only able to pry one and a half beers from BLG's thirsty kung fu grip. I spent days trying to figure out what happened but after several sleepless nights I got it. Cpt. Buzzkill has the newfound power to possess other people in order to kill your evening without even being there.

Captain Buzzkill, you have stooped to a new low and you never cease to amaze me. We will meet again.


At 6:38 PM, October 11, 2006, Blogger BLG said...

You forgot NO-NO-NOTORIOUS!!!!!

At 6:50 PM, October 11, 2006, Blogger Shumpy said...

the BLG got that notorious grip online. I saw the ad here

At 7:31 PM, October 11, 2006, Blogger BLG said...

Right back at you Lips...

This is how the story REALLY goes...

Kisses!!! :)


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