Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Valentines Day

I have been meaning to write this blog for some time now but laziness has taken over my life. So what is the deal with this "holiday?" It is the biggest joke of a holiday with Halloween a close second. Why in the world would someone get sucked into this day for any more than a card? I understand the mushy part of "oh, you have to show your significant other how much you love them," but what are we doing the other 364 days of the year? So hey, 364 days out of the year go ahead and treat your significant other like crap but this one day, you had better show her love!

So here is what it amounts to:
On any given Saturday you go out, buy some flowers, take her to dinner, afterwards go home and light some candles, put on some Marvin Gaye and...well.....you know the rest. The entire night costs you $80. Good night huh? Do the exact same thing on Valentines Day and it will cost you four times as much. So why do it? I don't understand it. Can someone please put it in simple terms for me? I have tried but the closest I can come to try and understand it is the Superbowl. So sure, we can watch football all season long and i guess it is OK but then comes the Superbowl and BAM, you are all over it. You can't keep your hands off of it. You are calling all your buddies to come and watch this miraculous event with you. So what that I am out 500 bucks, it was all worth it.....

Am I anywhere close here?


At 3:33 PM, February 20, 2007, Blogger Shumpy said...

I totally agree with you brotha. I don't know how these days get built up as 'special', I mean I know the greeting cards people had a hand in this one.... but damn. Give me a $20 bouquet on 364 days of the year and same thing is $220 on V-day? Does the same thing with a higher price tag on it make it more romantic?

At 7:54 PM, February 23, 2007, Blogger BLG said...

I agree with both of you. Love is nothing more than the Devil's way to crush you, and turn your heart to stone like Medusa looking you in the eyes. This was an awesome Valentine! It was spent with other single bitter people shooting shots with "F* Valentines" or "F* Love!!" and it cost less then the amount I would have spent if I had a significant other... I like to spend lots on Birthday's and Christmas... Isn't that enough?


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