Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hey....whoa....wait a minute...

FIRST of all....SOMEONE changed one of my posts! Regarding my responses to the WOW post, I said YOU ARE GAY if you get a hickey after 16, let alone 30. Not "a Dummy." I can say that because my very gay friend Dallymon still exchanges hickeys. I guess it's still ok in that community. So are GAY if you still partake in the hickey business!

I call B.S. changing my posts!

Second of all...genius 'commercial' Lips! I applaud you sir.

Third...nice to see you this morning BLG. Viva la Primrose. what point (age or stage in relationship) does it go beyond the realm of coolness to suck face at a bar. I say over 25 or after the relationship is more then 2 weeks old. Other than that....get a room, save it for home or something. Man this PDA is killing me. And no, don't make lame jokes about me not getting any...I get my share...granted it's not's never enough (for 'Das Enuf anyway)...but it's likely more than what you're getting.

So please, for the love of everything Holy....leave it at home!


Oh...and don't change/edit my posts MoFo!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I could talk about this all day

It is just hilarious to me that a 30 plus mope could get a hickey. The funny thing is that when I saw it I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was like a lunar eclipse. I knew if I looked for too long I would have some lifetime effects like burnt corneas or something but I was hypnotized but the bright red beacon in the bar.

"Well, here's to you Mr. 30 year old hickey getter (insert Bud Light theme music here). When everyone else said 30 was too old for a hickey, you got one anyway. You boldly displayed your mark of affection in a public establishment with pride. And when everyone gave you a hard time, you responded with 'bartender, another shot please!' So I raise my glass to you Mr. 30 year old hickey getter."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Good point

First of all:
If you get a hickey over 16 years old...YOU ARE A DUMMY. Period. No excuse.

Second of all:
Re-direct DOWNSTAIRS. Seriously, there's only one place on the body that a sucking garden hose of a woman belongs.


It has been over three months since anyone has touched this thing but what the heck, I will give it the ole college try. So a couple of things have happened recently that I will try not to bore anyone wit but there is one question that I have......At what age do you stop getting hickeys? My thought was junior high but upon the results of a quick survey I did at the local pub I found that it was a little younger. WRONG! WRONG! According to the mope who was sitting to my right who is quite a bit older than 12. Mope comes in, sits down next to me, and has the audacity to think that he can get away with it. I don't think so sir!

Two bright red spots, shining like a beacon in the night. Who is going to miss that? Not me sir. So the next time a girl starts sucking on your neck, redirect, pull back or make up an excuse, otherwise you will have to deal with the drunk idiot (me) berating you from across the bar.
