Sunday, August 06, 2006

Yet another observation

Well, here I sit in the airport trying my damndest to recollect last night’s events through the thick, alcohol induced haze and I recall a conversation that the mopes and I had. So I look to you the faithful blog readers for support. The topic of man-bush manicures came up and there were some rather diverse options presented. I was kind of surprised at how many guys seemed to answer so quickly and automatically. I don’t think there was one guy who said that they didn’t manicure the man-lawn but upon further investigation I found that this topic runneth deeper than I initially thought. When the question was asked, I assumed it was a simple yes or no response that I was going to get but, boy, was I wrong. So apparently there are several different levels of grooming. From what I gathered, we have the shave bald with a razor blade including the sack, shaved with a blade on top but not including the sack, trimmed close with hair clippers, shaved down with an electric razor and au natural. So I am asking for a poll of some sort. What do the majority of mopes do? Is this a common task amongst guys? Am I thinking way too much about this? Am I in the minority in my actions? Fellow mopes, it is up to you to help the cause.


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