Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Whigger

AKA White Chocolate. I can't, for the life of me, figure this out. What does this all mean? OK, so I am sitting in the bar last night when Deuce and I notice that it is karaoke night(a topic that deserves a blog of it's own). I notice the white guy heading towards the stage wearing what appeared to be jorts that were about 8 sizes too big for him, a white t-shirt that almost covered up his jorts entirely, a baseball cap that was backwards and to the right and had a bit of a limp. He made his way to the stage where he began his solo with "yo, yo, yo wuts up ya'll?" He threw out some more ebonics to the crowd which was his segway to, you guessed it, a country song. When he sang, his voice was suddenly normal. Almost had a country twang to it as well. Which leads me to my next question: Why is the whigger in existence? What drives these guys to want to be a different race so badly? Will the desire eventually get so intense that these whiggers will have skin tone changes opposite of what Michael Jackson did? Do the African Americans actually appreciate him or do they hate him? Any ideas fellow mopes?


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